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Love is greater than February

L.O.V.E Why is there so much emphasis on love in February? What happened to the remaining days and months throughout the year? Some would say love is an intense feeling of deep affection when we think about the word love.

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When You Look at Me

When people see us, do they see shiny Jewelry? Money? Clothes? Or do they see Jesus? The real question is, what do we want them to see? Are we okay with looking different for a purpose?

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Speak Life!

Speak well of yourself! What better way to increase your confidence and self-esteem. Say the things God says about you.

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Uniquely Crafted

Comparison can be detrimental in so many aspects. We compare our skin color, weight, appearance, and even down to the way we speak. GWD wants to give you a quick reminder to avoid comparing yourselves to others and KNOW the one that matters and truly cares for you is the most important. Remember to know your worth because comparison leads to us questioning God. He is the only one who knows all and created us to be the way He wanted us to be.

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The GWD Cami Fix

Ladies, do you find yourself shopping and finding the cutest outfit, but you can't see yourself buying it because it doesn't meet the modesty standards you live by?Maybe you were shopping and found a nice back-out top? A cropped top? Or a two-piece outfit? But your midriff is showing. Well, ladies, GWD has the answer. We call it a "Cami Fix."

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